Coming Soon! Add 7 New Industry Materials of UIC for the Public Version

Based on the UI beautification needs of industrial users, DWIN is offering several sets of public version file libraries for UIC (UI Configuration) specific to DWIN smart screens, such as power meters, injection moulding machines, vacuum packaging machines, packaging coding machines, sealing machines, labelling machines and filling machines.

The UIC file library is a configuration UI project consisting of icon materials and control definitions. Users can directly call and edit the library files through DGUS software to create their own human-machine interface, effectively reducing the workload of designing and developing UI interfaces and improving development efficiency.

1. Features of UIC library file

1) The UIC library file contains the icon file and its control configuration, which can be called directly during development to complete the interface layout;

2) The same UIC library file can be used in screen projects of different sizes and resolutions, which is efficient and convenient;

3) Change different UIC library files to present pictures of different styles and functions. 

2. New UIC configuration font file type

1. Power meter expansion package (baud rate icon, calibration method icon, configuration keyboard);

2. Expansion package for injection molding machine (common button icons such as switches, status indication icons, configuration keyboard);

3. Vacuum packaging expansion package (instrument status indication, switch settings);

4. Packaging code machine expansion package (common fonts, common switch button icons, angle indication icons);

5. Packaging machine expansion package (status indication, button icon);

6. Labeling machine expansion package (progress bar indication, digital icon, configuration keyboard);

7. Filling machine expansion package (operation status icon, mode selection icon, configuration keyboard).


 Injection moulding machines:


 Packaging coding machines:


Sealing Machine


Labeling Machine:


Power meters:


Filling Machine:


Vacuum Packaging Machine:

Post time: Jul-12-2022