Color | 16.7M(16777216) colors |
LCD Type | TN, TFT LCD |
Viewing Angle | Normal viewing angle, 70°/70°/50°/70° (L/R/U/D) |
Display Area(A.A) | 409.8mm (W)×230.4mm (H) |
Resolution | 1366×768 Pixel |
Backlight | LED |
Brightness | DMG13768C185 03WTC:200nit |
DMG13768C185 03WN:250nit |
Type | CTP (Capacitive touch panel) |
Structure | G+G structure with surface cover of Asahi tempered glass |
Touch Mode | Support point touch and drag |
Surface Hardness | 6H |
Light Transmittance | Over 90% |
Life | Over 1,000,000 times touch |
Power Voltage | 12~36V |
Operation Current | VCC = +12V, Backlight on,1040mA |
VCC = +12V, Backlight off,300mA |
Working Temperature | -10~60℃ |
Storage Temperature | -20~60℃ |
Working Humidity | 10%~90%RH |
LCM interface | Connector 20Pin 1.25mm, LVDS interface |
CTP interface | COB structure, IIC interface |
Baudrate | 3150~3225600bps, typical value of 115200bps |
Output Voltage | Output 1, Iout = 1mA;4.78~5.0 V |
Output 0, Iout =-1mA;0~0.4 V | |
Input Voltage (RXD) |
Input 1, Iin = 1mA;2.5~5.0V |
Input 0, Iin = -1mA;0~1.0V | |
User Interface | 8Pin 2.0mm socket for power supply and serial communication. Download rate(typical value): 12KByte/s UART2: ON=TTL/CMOS; OFF=RS232 |
Expand Flash | 32MBytes NOR Flash, for fonts, pictures and audio files. Rewrite cycle: over 100,000 times |
Buzzer | Onboard Buzzer. Power: 2W |
SD interface | FAT32. Download files by SD interface can be displayed in statistics. Download rate: 4Mb/s |
Reserved module interface |
Wi-Fi module: connect to the cloud platform to update remotely USB module: download files by USB flash disk |
Packaging & dimensions | 454.0mm(W) × 254.6mm(H) × 26.9(T) mm |
Installation Dimensions | Positioning hole:433.0(+0.3mm)× 254.6(+0.3mm) |
Net weight | 2950g |